Friday, August 12, 2011

What is the afterlife belief of Judaism?

I know there is an "afterlife" because King David himself says so in Psalm 23 "...I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever". So can someone explain to me what is the jewish view of life after here on Earth, according to Judaism?

Why am I considered ugly?

no one is ugly everyone is diff rent yes but there not ugly u could be beautifully inside re amber outside do sent relay matter its whats inside

How do i stop been heart broken?

i dont want to dwell on my ex any more, i deleted her off everything and im done with the pain. how do is stop hurting its been almost four months and i still hurt

Need help identifying coniferous tree!!!?

this coniferous tree is in central michigan. They are fairly tall and skinny in diameter. The trunk and branchs have sharp thorns on them. When the thorn punctured the skin it caused swelling of area, localized muscle pain, and stiffness of joint. These trees were also located near a small pond and their needles were dead and covering the ground, there didn't appear to be many needles on the trees themselves. Please help me identify!!!

Christians: Do you believe in the trinity?

To be a Christian you must have recieved the gift of God's salvation which he wants to give to everyone. Now, to believe in that, you have to believe in the trinity. God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit. 3 entities in one God. They are all one God, but different parts, it's nearly impossible to wrap the human mind around, just have faith.

I have a few authentic signed autographs, where can I sell them, I am located in Miami Florida?

I have a few authentic signed autographs, such as Nat King Cole, Selma Hayek, Louie Armstrong, etc. I live in Miami beach Florida, and would like to know are the any autograph places I can take these pictures to.

I am stuck and unable to move forward in life.?

I was a successful high school student, got into a few colleges but my main plan was to join the army(ASVAB of 85) . I was a signature away but got in some trouble when I was 18. Because of this trouble i have been DQ'd from military service for life even though my charges have been expunged...The girl of my dreams leaves from the navy on the 25th of July. I live with my parents working a deadend job, I have about a year of college under my belt but it is just not for me. I do not know what to do anymore, I have so many fines and owe money to school that I just cannot do anything, my life is so boring and and I cannot help but dwell on my past mistakes and how much better my life should be, but I was a dumb kid and now am stuck.

I need help with some of the functions on my Wii?

I would like some advice on on-line play for the Wii. Is there on-line play with friends that are on-line with a Wii? What is the Mii mingle feature for and why can't I select it? How do I locate a friends Wii if he is on-line? Sorry, it really started out as one question in my head, I swear. Promise, ten pts for best answer.

Does he like me help please?

from my point of view he really likes you alot! but another reason he is doing all of this shiz is maybe because he is desperate or wants attention or maybe have more of a status around school (more popular) you should ask him who he likes and maybe seem more flirtatious around him and show more that you like him. but be specific with him incase he doesnt feel the same way. HOPE IT HELLPPS ;D XX

How can i stop mobilespy?

Is there any way to stop mobilespy from getting your texts? Can you locate the program installed on your phone and delete it or somehow delete your text history because I know that mobilespy somehow still gets the old deleted ones :P Btw im on the droid x and im a root user.

What does this poem mean?

The second half is not about anything except the author's inability to write good poetry. The first half is pretty much the same. The whole poem is worthless, meaningless garbage.

Is im effected with hyperthyroidism?

Your TSH appears suppressed, however your T4 level is only just elevated and your T3 is normal so I agree exactly with your physician the situation is quite low grade. Did you also have a thyroid antibody check, if not this might be useful.

How should I treat my goldfish losing scales?

take the goldfish out the bowl empty the water out his bowl boil the kettle fill his bowl up with the kettle water and place the fish back in should work :)

Does the college or place where you attain ur UG degree really matter?

While checking out your resume...does the jury ever consider the name n fame or location of the Institution or college where u got ur UG degree??...or is their impression solely based on ur performance?

Is counselling a sign of weakness in a person ?

Ive always got over everything in my own way but now i keep dwelling onthe past and thinking about these things over and over . Ive been thinking about getting counselling but Im scared people will find out and think im weak as a person but I feel like ive been too strong for too long and now the pile of stuff ive built up over the years is crashing down on me if that makessense

Pain in the upper arm for no reason?

I have been having some irritating pain in my upper arm. It's between my elbow and shoulder(mainly located near the bicep and a little bit downward). Anyone know what it could be? I don't lift weights or anything, so it couldn't be that. Could I be using my computer too much or something? All help is appreciated! Thanks!

Dell ST2420L/ST2421L monitor?

this thing does not have speakers as in tech specs they have not specified the wattage of sound or any related stuff so my suggestion the audio in and out may be for some other purpose

Can I fight a speeding ticket if the officer was trespassing when he clocked me?

I'm 17 and I got a speeding ticket after coming home from work one night. Your not aloud to drive after 9 if you under 18 but i had a note from my employer so he didn't site me for that. when he walked up to my window he asked me "what was the necessity of going 80". He didn't ask me what speed I thought I was going or why I thought I was pulled over. he also shined his light in my eyes to check if I was drinking. i believe this confused me and he somehow convinced me I was speeding. He said he clocked me at a local church down the street which is 1.2 miles away from where he pulled me over. I went to the church to day and asked the reverend if they ever gave the police formal permission to park there so technically he was trespassing. After talking with the reverend a little more I found out that they always knew that they parked there and they actually preferred if they didn't. Any way on the night of my pull over he said i was doing 80 but he sited me for doing 79. I would have preferred if he told me i was doing 79 instead of rounding up to 80 because it sounded better. He also clocked me in a 45 mph zone when he pulled me over in and "end 45 mph zone" which means its the state speed limit a which is 55 mph. the speed limit signs were covered by over grown trees so where the speed limit changes over can be very unclear especially at night. I took pictures of the "end 45 mph" sign and the 45 mph sign before the the other sign that was closer to the church (both are covered by trees). I didn't see his lights until i was about to turn into my driveway (that"s right he pulled me over in front of my own home) and his sirens were only on for a split second and even when I pulled over he was still really far away from me. He didn't site me for reckless driving and according to New York sate DMV laws for the speed he accused me of going he should have so obviously he didn't have a clear sight on me. Also where he was located at the church, there is a sign and bushes so his field of view is obstructed. While talking with another police officer, I found out that officers don't use radar to administer tickets, tickets are administered based on an officers observation. Radar is only hearsay. On the night of my pullover it was very windy. I have weather reports proving this and I read the manual of the radar he was using and it said wind can affect radar accuracy. I also plan on using a court case. The Miami radar trial (State of Florida v. Aquilera) where a news reporter clocked a house doing 28 miles an hour and a palm tree doing 86 miles an hour. I am an honor student and used the excuse that i was under pressure from school, my job and the testing that was coming up in June. he then said i wish you luck on those tests and proceeded to telling me a story about how he would have to scrape my dead body from my car when i hit a tree doing 80. I plan on bringing my report card with me to the meeting with the ADA (which is on July 6th) to show that I'm a good kid. I want to know if I have enough of an argument that the cop was trespassing on the church property when he clocked to get dismissed by the ADA. I had the reverend sign a letter I typed up stating he never gave permission to the police. Please don say I should just plead guilty and move on because I know I wasn't going the speed he accused me of going. I really don't want to have to take this to court and spend money on court fees that i need for my college courses I'll be taking in the senior year of my high school. I would also appreciate your advise and past experiences. Thank You.

How do I import my picture photograph from Photoshop into my Yahoo Profile picture area?

Was wondering how to import a photo of myself that is located in Photoshop program (because I was doing some touchups) into my Yahoo Profile where my photo image of myself should be? Wondering if anyone knew a fast technique or do I have to transfer it from Photoshop to another location before I can import it to Yahoo Profile? I was successful doing this in gmail but Yahoo seems to be a abit different or is it?

I am located abroad, but I was a witness to several crimes commited by a man....?

Не ваше дело. Постарайтесь не обращать внимания (хотя чисто по-человечески это непросто).

How can i get over my dad's death?

Okya, i know i well never get over my dad's death but its gotta get easier rite? but how? Somehow he got thru losing his mom, he would talk about her alot i wish i woulda asked him how but i didnt think i would lose him till i was like 50 i never thought he could die, he was so strong he was ran over twice and feel outta a tree 3 stories i think. But than he was cuttin down a tree may 23 2011 (this year duh) and got electrocuted. I never got to say goodbye, by the time i got there he was purple and cold... i know i shouldnt even be like this, my sister and lil brother saw it all happen i donno i jus dnt feel as strong as them. I think about my dad every single day several times a day. i know how ppl always say "it was jus his time sweetie" i dont like when ppl say that cuz it wasnt my dad's time to go. he was only 46. im only 16 why wld god take him away from us. sorry wondering. i dont tell ppl all the stuff that i think so i jus wanna vent and find away to get over this. I think about him than get sad than super mad that god did this. I like to dream about him. i miss him i remember when i saw that someone else dad past away about a year ago jus made me think; wow i cldnt live if my dad died. My dad told me he cld get hit by a train and still live a week before he died and i know thats stupid to even dwell on but its hard not to.I listen to all his favorite songs. I wish i was crazii enough to see him like his ghost or something like in the movies, but no:/. i wish i could jus have another hug. Where is haven where is my dad how is this real. Sorry to much talkin ima girl so i talk alot sorry. But anyway.

What's wrong with me?

Hi, I guess I’m just posting this hoping someone might recognise these symptoms or even have experienced similar problems themselves. I’ve always had poor self-esteem; considering myself unattractive and fat, with a dull, selfish personality, weird interests, and never quite clever enough. I’ve been bullied and insulted by others and repeatedly let down by so-called friends and consequently I struggle to see the good in others intentions towards me. I tend to dwell on the past and worry about almost everything and feel inadequate around others. I went to university last year, lost my close school friends in the process, lost loads of weight, and became even more of a workaholic. I am so miserable there always panicking about my studies and feeling so alone, but at the same time reluctant to socialise with others. I can’t work myself out. I’ve even fantasied about death, and despite the fact I am underweight I am terrified of putting any weight on. I am obsessed with food and preoccupied with what I eat during a day. I do eat of course (my parents ensure that and I hate to upset them) but I swear I’m getting fat again although I am told I look no different. Anyway now I’m back home and summer has started. I should be happy, right? But the melancholy seems to return sometimes even now. I follow these set routines each day and I can’t break them without feeling anxiety, I am so easily stressed and angered, and a lot of the time I just want to be alone and for things to be silent I am that irritable and impatient. I hate this as I know it makes me an unlikeable, even more unattractive person. I wish I could work out what the hell is going on in my head and fix it. This was not what I wanted out of life. I am filled with regret and nostalgia…it’s so pathetic the only real joys in my life now are food and my daydreams. I just don't know what to do...

How can I forget her? It seems too hard?

Grow up. Learn from experience and move on. You had a woman with self-respect and you didn't appreciate it.

I have forgotten my ppf account number?

I have forgotten my ppf account number. Is there ant site where I may access or who may I approach to assist me locate my ppf number?

Why is it when a Christian comes along preaching repentence...?

Take it somewhere else preacher boy, this place is for Q&A about religion, not whoring for sky daddy.

Am I too old to be shuffling hardstyle?

I am 32 and live in Ohio. There is a lot going on in the hardstyle community around the world. Not much in Ohio. I see tons of youtube videos with hundreds of milions of hits on some of them. Even a cheasy LMFAO song about it. I mean I liked LMFAO back when I was on a plane going to MIA singing, drink all day play all night... But, getting back to the question I'm posting. I'm 32, and going grey. Why should I even consider shuffling? Young people these days hate everything, and everyone it seems like. I would love to be able to out shuffle them but maybe I am too old and will just look even more pathetic than I already do. I live in a room for rent with my cat. I have no kids, never maried. I don't even own a cell phone because I don't even have friends. Everyone my age is maried and has a family and a house and a good job. I sit alone every night watching tutorials on how to shuffle, with my cat. I just want to be good at something. All my life I have just been OK at stuff but never good at anything. Should I just give it up now? Or, grab some just for men and some UFO pants and hardstyle shuffle and say F everyone thinks I'm too old or lousy at shuffling. And, just try to enjoy life and not dwell on the fact that I am a loser and will never be good at anything and don't have and friends or family and live in a room for rent with my cat.

Guitar reverb effects pedal help.?

I own a Fender Mustang amplifier and when using it I create presets which can simulate the use of effects pedals. When I go over to the category for reverb effect pedals the knobs for the reverb effects confuse me. The knobs that are there are named "Level, Decay, Dwell, Diffusn and Tone". I need to know how these different knobs affect the sound the reverb pedal makes the guitar sound like. Examples of these would be nice to if you can. Thanks

Thursday, August 11, 2011

...Ruins......................… poem.?

I very much enjoyed the piece and you deserve the accolades. I have only one minor suggestion and it wouldn't damage the piece at all. Everywhere you use "Try" you also use "and" my suggestion/opinion is to switch out "and" for the word "to"

My spirit guide? how safe is it to make contact?

Over the last few years ug become. Religious and come to the idea of supernatural beings spirits UFO and all that stuff and I was woundering if I can start contact with my spirit guide ? I'm 15 in yr10 at school and so is it dangerous doing this ? And if its not how can I go about doing so? Thanks, Ben

Upgrading power supply?

Are you going to play games? If so, Pentium D will simply be insufficient to handle any of the new games. Consider a full or at least a phased upgrade.

Rate/help fix my dragon deck?

i give it an 8/10. it seems really good, but theres a lot of higher level and not enough lower ones, i think its great though

Courses and career Options for pursuing astronomy?

I have currently started my 12th and i'm interested in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics. I am NOT interested in aeronautical engineering. I want to pursue theoretical astro-science. Would be great if i get some guidance regarding UG courses available and all that i have to do to get a seat in them! thank you :)

Confusing sexual preferences?

Ok so I'm a normal teenage girl that likes boys. However, I've always had this weird thing lurking in my mind. I'm kind of a tomboy and I connect better with my male friends but not in an unnaturally manly way. I've always wished I had been born a guy but I don't dwell on it or think about sex changes or anything. For some weird reason I'm attracted to homosexual male relationships. They kind of turn me on. I also like being the dominate one in the relationship much like the man should be but I do embrace my femininity. I'm not really attracted to girls but I've always wanted to try out a relationship with them. Could I be a lesbian? I don't feel like one. Are my weird attractions normal in some way? I'm kind of confused.

What are the best night clubs in Montreal for the 18-21 crowd?

I'm in Montreal with some friends and we've been looking for a club with a young crowd, with people under 21. What are the best clubs that attract a young crowd, and what street are the best clubs for younger people located on?

Which one have better Career prospects ... SAP SD or FICO?

Hi I'm dinesh . I'm going to complete my MBA Finance and HR in 2011.Already i have 2 years work exp in Sales. Now i did my PG in Finance . And i don't have Accounts background (UG is Bsc Computers)... So kindly suggest better Module which have better career prospects ???

What is the average cost of education in the US for a ug course, including cost of living?

By cost of living, I mean - Housing (on or off campus), telephone, eating etc. Also, please tell me the airline charges for flying to and fro. Specify, if possible

How can i apply for IISc, Banglore UG programme ?

I have given my IIT-JEE 2011 and AIEEE 2011 and I am planning to apply to the IISc 's UG program.......How can it be done ?

Should I be concerned with my friend?

He gives tours at a historic house in our town on the weekends. Lately he has been jacking in a closet located along the servant's staircase and was caught by the caretaker of the facility. Now he is very suicidal since he is embarrassed and blew his big chance to be on the board for the historic housing authority. What to do?

Entrance Exam Papers (UG) - 2011 for ICAR?

We were asked to give in our booklets after the examination and I'd really like to clear a few doubts with my teachers. I was wondering if anyone could maybe send a scanned copy or a link of/to the Entrance Exam Paper (UG) Stream - Biology, Series 2 of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. I've checked the isn't of much help.

Do I have no chance at a university?

Yeah you have a good chance of getting into college. They look at grades from every year so be sure to do well in senior year as well until you graduate.

Subject: admiralty court?

who makes up the admiralty court? where is it located? where is their jurisdiction? what did Jim Johnson do to be jailed? what recourse does Johnson have?

Ug... Please, advice?

Hello. I've been extremely worried ive been pregnant for two weeks or more now... Listen I had sex (pull out) two times. March 9th and 14th. I'm worried about precum, though. Not *** he wasn't close to actually going both time because they were only a few minutes. Regardless, I'm on birthcontrol but that month I missed a ton of pills and just spotted in-between as a period I guess. I took them all before I had sex on the 14th, got more the next day (I take beyaz) ever since I've been okay BUT the last few weeks I had nausea off and on. Sometimes faint and sometimes strong. I'm not sure if it was just me or my birth control... I had been super gassy/burpy but if I was pregnant it would've been like within 3 weeks on conception if even that... I'm a huge worrywart ... Oh and when I took my pills the new pack (this is my fourth month) I had light bleeding for 3 days. I'm just ahhhh confused! Right now I should have my period but it's not coming ! This is the second day... I take my bc at night... I just really want my period but I don't know why it isn't coming...

What do I do? I'm so broken hearted.. I need advice and someone to talk to ..?

Ok so.. Me and my boyfriend been off and on for 3 years. We just recently graduated from the 8th grade and now are freshmen. We have been arguing and not getting along lately though. I love this boy with all of my heart and one day we were arguing & he said he hate me & regret everything with me. All I could do was cry . I called him all types of bitchs & how I still loved him though. He called me a ho and everyone is shocked I've only loved him and I am nowhere near a ho. But anyway , we are over now. And I might be moving outa town.. I beentold him this and I thought our time together will be wonderful and well it wasn't. Life has been so hard for me lately. My mom and I get into it everyday. She thinks I'm having sex with him. After the argument at school I got all in his face mushed his head and felt bad . Ug and yesterday I inboxed him this long paragraph abt how I love and will miss him. I think it ment nothng to him, I'm not asking for him back but I don't want him to hate me.. He's already moved on..

Help with man boobs???????

Aww! Dont feel bad! Its ok. Most girls will judge your personality, not looks. It doesn't bother me that you have a full chest. :)

Insecure about fianc�e's ex?

Ok first of all I have to say that I love my fianc�e very much and up until Saturday things were wonderful with us. Well I've always been a little insecure about my size um..down there. Well we were at a grocery store and getting some cucumbers and I joked around saying that's how big I wanted to be and she said " trust me you'd hurt me, I know this. " it caught me off guard and I asked her if she's had that big before and she said let's not talk about it and tried to change the subject. I started to dwell on it and I said who and after a bit she said her ex before me. I asked "so he was twice my size"? And she again stalled and said yes but then went on about how I was a good lover and it's not all about size and and that she loves me sonit doesn't matter. Well since then I don't really have a desire to sleep with her knowing this. I feel inadequate. Especially since early in our relationship i asked if I was her best and after she stalledahe admitted that he was but that he could never love her like I did. We're getting married in 4 weeks and I just feel like I'm cheating her.

"How will you set up a 50 ul restriction digestion reaction with 5 ug DNA (with a concentration of 250 ng/ul),?

"How will you set up a 50 ul restriction digestion reaction with 5 ug DNA (with a concentration of 250 ng/ul), 5 units/ ug DNA EcoRI enzyme (10 unit/ ul stock), 1x buffer from 10 x buffer? include all components as needed, calculations and a brief description of how you set this up.

What's wrong with this character?

I think it would be more interesting if "Romano" moved them somewhere other than New York for a better life. Somewhere boring and plain, but pretty.. like Montana or Wyoming or Colorado? I don't know.. I just picture/imagine people moving to NY to attempt to start their careers as a musician, actor, bla bla bla... not to have a better life? Idk..just a suggestion. Good luck :D

How can I get to UG 12 Cityland tower 2 HV Dela Costa Corner Valero St., Makati?

from pedro gil, you can ride the LRT then get off at buendia. then from buendia, ride a bus, or a jeep if there are any, going to EDSA or ayala. if you rode a jeep to EDSA, after the bus crossed ayala ave, get off at RCBC plaza then walk to the cityland tower near it. if you will be riding an ayala bound bus, you need to get off before the bus turns to ayala ave, that would be near makati med, cross ayala avenue towards rcbc plaza then walk to cityland tower.

Why do some people think that masturbation is ok?

masturbation is a form of self abuse. also in time the person who indulges will not be able to orgasm in the natural way with sexual intercourse, because it will take so long and not as efficient as doing it themselves. this goes for male or female. sexual urges are normal but self discipline is also normal. to let your mind dwell on it all the time is not the thing to do. that is what causes so many perverts on sites that are for social entertainment and not for sex who indulges in masturbation will eventualy have to upgrade for the same thrill and guess what comes next?... porn or talking dirty to women and men and wanting to see them in a state of disgrace. there are young males and females as young as 12 years old already in to perversion on my space. that is just a few reasons to discipline your self from masturbating. no its not normal. its just normal during puberty to feel sexual urges. control them until u can enjoy full normal intercourse and u will never be sorry you did.

Thinking about moving to LA with a family?

I'm an English guy currently living in China with my Chinese wife and 4 year old boy. I have been offered a job in LA. I don't know anything about LA or any of the cities or neighbourhoods. The office is located downtown on south hill street. Would it be worth moving with a salary level of $75,000? Where is a good place to live with a family that is convenient for the office? What kind of lifestyle could we expect? And finally what are the education options? Thanks.

If you purchase a car with autotrader can you make payments?

I like a car on the website. It is for 2,000 without all the other charges including the license fee and all that other stuff. I was just wondering if it's possible to buy the car yet make payments on it. Instead of paying 2,000 flat out can I do monthly payments of 200 or less? Or even weekly payments? I live in MA and the dealership where the car is located is in NH.

Can someone help me locate the origin of a short-code text message?

My friend got a text message from "406001" and she wants to respond to it but she isn't getting anything back. She asked my help in finding out how to respond but wont tell me what the actual message said. So, to do that, I need to find out the origin of that first. Has anyone received a text from that number before?

Why does this keep happening to me? 10 points?

It keeps happening because deep down you still really like/love her. You miss being with her and so now you find that comfort in dreams.

Harry Potter or Twilight?

Ok, so Harry Potter. But you said Good Versus Evil, and that's exactly how the world works. That's not so true. There can be an in between.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do you want a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

You can't have both as someone who has a life of meaning must have no care of what has happened or what lies ahead and someone with a life of meaning must dwell on the past and obsess about the future.

Ug parent help?? im suddenly not alowed to go to sleepovers...?

so ive been able to go to sleepovers all my life, it think they're fun, you get to spend lots of time with your friends! suddenly my parents decided me and my sisters are not alowed to go to sleepovers anymore. no exceptions. i was like, WHAT? and yah, i asked why and the only reason i got was becuse "with all those cellphones, who knows what you could be doing?" and so a asked if she had any indications that we were doing that sort of stuff with our freinds and she said no. and we havent! we have like a sort of set of rules where you cant use your cell phones. she also said we're not supervised. but she lets me go to like parks and stuff with friends, not superviesed there! all my freinds birthday parties are sleepovers and i really like going and want to go. can you think of any way she might let me??

'92 Ford Aero Star,..Power to fuel pump,.?

I have replaced the fuel pump, but there is no "juice" in the "hot" wire leadind to the pump.So, can I run a "jumper" wire, from the battery, & splice on to the pump wire, near the pump, a tempoary fix, until I can locate the fuse box and/or the relay switch,.. And any info as to the locations, of those items would be helpfull,..Thanks

I really want to meet Prince Harry! Which UG colleges should i prefer so my chances of meeting him increase?

Harry is in the military.He is not a student any where.You can look at the social pages listed in British Tatler magazine to see the nightclubs he frequents.This doesn't mean that you will ever meet him,though.Henry tends to spend time with people who have been part of his social circle--a set formed in childhood.

Does this sound like a good motive for a villain?

I think it is a good motive, but it feels a little cliche. I love the names. Its clever how you made Inferna's last name Malum (considering that she is a villain and mal comes from malicious/malice which means evil, bitter, jealous, etc.) :)

Is this boy seriously into me or just excited for sex?

ok i will sum this up. i have been dating this boy for about 5 months now. we were together at college for 3 months and we moved slowly and now have done everything but SEX. we are away from each other for the summer and we talk often and are very excited because when we get back we plan to finally have sex. because i am not ready to give myself to him at this point. is he really really into me because hes so patient and doesnt even talk abou tit all the time? or he is sticking with me only because he knows when were back together in a month and a half were going to have sex. let me add too that a month or so ago i found out i contracted type one herpes (on genitals) his test was negative so regardless he knows i have that and says lets put it behind us and not dwell on it and that he still wants to be with me.

The four corners of the earth ?

Bible writers often speak from the standpoint of the observer on the earth, or from his particular position geographically, as we often naturally do today. For example, the Bible mentions “the sunrising.” (Nu 2:3; 34:15) Some have seized upon this as an opportunity to discredit the Bible as scientifically inaccurate, claiming that the Hebrews viewed earth as the center of things, with the sun revolving around it. But the Bible writers nowhere expressed such a belief. These same critics overlook the fact that they themselves use the identical expression and that it is in all of their almanacs. It is common to hear someone say, ‘it is sunrise,’ or ‘the sun has set,’ or ‘the sun traveled across the sky.’ The Bible also speaks of “the extremity of the earth” (Ps 46:9), “the ends of the earth” (Ps 22:27), “the four extremities of the earth” (Isa 11:12), “the four corners of the earth,” and “the four winds of the earth” (Re 7:1). These expressions cannot be taken to prove that the Hebrews understood the earth to be square. The number four is often used to denote that which is fully rounded out, as it were, just as we have four directions and sometimes employ the expressions “to the ends of the earth,” “to the four corners of the earth,” in the sense of embracing all the earth.—Compare Eze 1:15-17; Lu 13:29.

Financial Question/ Budget? UMD College Park?

Most schools budget similar to this. I believe that UG PERS/TRANS is the amount that the college estimates you will spend on personal and transportation expenses. UG BD ON CAMPUS stands for for undergraduate board on campus (think meal plan) and UG RM ON CAMPUS stands for undergraduate room on campus (your actual room). You won't actually have to pay for UG PERS/TRANS ON CAMP, it's just a reference for you. If you are in doubt, call your financial aid office and ask for clarification.

Does it look desperate to say I love you first?

Okay, so I've been going out with this guy for about 2 weeks now. We talk all the time!!!! But by now they would have said I love you. Do you think that he loves me or does he not love me? Should I say I love you to him? Or would that look too desperate? Or is he just being shy? UG!!!! Plz help and give me any advice that you have! Thanks :)

I am pregnant, should i take my thyroid medicine?

I am suffering of thyroid, for two years i used Lovethyroxin and for one year i used Thyroxine but it is about 3 months i stopped medicine as the range was normal. but now i become two month pregnant , and i feel that my thyroid has also become bigger, i feel fever along headche and horrible stomach problems such as acid ect, now i tested for thyroid in one result, my FT3 is 4.60 Pg/ml, FT4 0.926 ng/dL and TSH 25.0 uIU/mL and the second test show: T4 3.98 ug/dl, T3 36.4nmol/l , TSH 20.57 mlu/ml, now i dont know should i use medicne, if yes, what will it effect my baby? your answers and suggestions are highly appreciated.

How to answer a question that will be asked in interview?

Hello people my UG was B.C.A. and i was in search of job for a year and it was the time when recession stuck i dint find a suitable job so i decided to go for higher studies now i am pursuing MBA and my specialization are Finance and HR.If i am put up a question like why did i switch over from computers to business administration and i chose HR and Finance what answer should i give back so that it would be appealing to the person interviewing me

"I be at da park". Were black people right all along?

It has been the general consensus that the grammar in the phrase "I be at" is incorrect, but I am here to propose that black people have actually been correct all this time. "I be at" is actually the only way it can be said while using the verb "be" in any of its tense forms. Let me explain what this means. Every verb has a tense that fits the past-continuing tense form. Lets use the words "run", "jump", and "play". In the past tense these would be ran, jumped, and played, while the past tense of be would be was. The current form would be running, jumping, playing, and being. These are verbs and thus have a form for all the tenses. So how would one use the word "be" in the sentence "I (blank) at the park"? One could say "I am always at the park" or "I can generally and consistently be located at the park" etc, but these are completely different sentences with different words, and are not using the verb "be". Someone prosed that the form of "be" in this sentence should be "am" thus rendering the sentence as "i am at the park". The problem is that this phrase doesnt treat the word "am" as a verb nor does it denote that one is always or usually at the park, but rather presently. Furthermore, am is not used as a verb by evidence that "am-ing" is not a word, nor can a persom "am",while someone CAN "be", and be-ing IS a word. All of this, coupled with the next fact that verbs that are in past-continuing tenses, are spelled exactly the same way, meaning that the way you describe the fact that you "run" continuously is by saying "i run" as opposed to "i ran" denoting that you no longer run. So "jump" is rendered as " i jump ", "run" is denoted as "i run" etc, and ergo "be" would be "i be". I believe I have proven that black people had it right all along when using the wording "i be" to denote a past but continuing tense. "i be at the club" is the only way to use the verb "be" in this sentence.

What do you think of my poem?

I love it I have always been a fan of dark poetry.I find it enticing how much detail...lovely imagery

What should i do? I'm confused regarding my career? What are the opportunities in the field I'm interested in?

What Should i Do? This Q. i for those who are very confused in there life with multiple problems. I am one of those people. I am a student of UG(B.A.Mgt) will be going for PG(MBA). I really need some guidance. My aim is to do Sound/Audio Engg. But as usual you don’t get enough support for such a field. Hence I’ll be going for MBA first. But my Q. is how can I use my MBA skills for sound engg after completing both the courses respectively.

Paranoia/anxiety disorder? PLEASE. HELP.?

I have a 'problem' I dwell on past mistakes (things I can't change.) I overthink everything, and make the worst scenario in my head. I basically need to learn how to settle down, and play my cards better. /: Also, I obsess over things, until I know its like 'perfect'. I will do things that I think will 'ease' my worrying, & I also, will start missing someone when they haven't even left yet.. I also have horrible thoughts of things, and people happening.. like somebody dying.. or something terrible happening to them. (loved ones) I don't know whats wrong with me, but I hate it.. So. Much. Please help.

My husband threatens me and I don't know what to do?

Get some self respect and get the h#@** out of there! If you stay, you have no right to complain. He won't change and if you have kids, you are a terrible parent for allowing them to live in such an environment!

1999 chevy tahoe 5.7L 2wd automatic?

You didn't mention if its getting fuel as these were notorious for bad fuel pumps. Is has a distributor. If its getting good spark, its not a problem with the ignition system. Another thing to consider is that they were also notorious for blowing lower intake gaskets and drawing coolant into cylinders thus flooding them and not igniting antifreeze.

How can i become a Psychologist ?

Here is my problem.I had finished my UG degree in an entirely different major due to some family situations. All i always really want to do is psychology. Please show me a way to achieve my goal.

My dog was shot. How can i stop dwelling on the past?

Every owner would naturally feel sad or grieve over the lost of a beloved pet. Acceptance is the best way that you should learn in order to let go of your heavy feeling although it would take time for wounds to heal. Soon as you have recovered a little, try to consider getting another dog as well to fill the emptiness that you feel.

What are the names of some CHEAP stores on le Champs Elysees?

i know it is said to be one of the most expensive places in Paris but my French teacher told me there are also some cheap stores there with nice clothes and other objects :) do you know any names of the stores and/or where they are located there? :)

Why are people so mean to me?

I am 17 and all my life I have had people bullying me or they don't beat me up but they verbally abuse me. In middle school everyone was mean to me and where just plain awful. I am really sensitive to what people say to me so I stay up all the time dwelling on it. I get people pitying me and I hate that. People would stand up for me and that would be one of my pet peeves when people did that. I have no friends because I am socially akward and a introvert and I am a nice person and all but other people are just so mean to me I don't know what to do. I get picked on my everyone and taken advantage of by people and I am constantly verbally abused. It is happening less in high school but people still call me names. I don't want to start fights with people because my step dad is super strict and would ground me if I get caught and so would my mom so I don't want people saying just beat them up when they do that. Is there a way that I could not be such a easy target? I am always told that I'm a easy target and people would just walk over me and then they feel sorry for me so they stop doing what they are doing to me. How do I get them to stop? The worse thing for me is the pitying.

Which Job Is Better Or More Rewarding?

Ok so im a marine corps recruit and im having a tough time trying to decide if i should go with Combat Camera, Food Services, or Admin Clerk. Im intrested in all three but which one is more benificial and how long are all the specialty schools for each and where its located.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What kind of shirt is this girl wearing?

The picture of it is located in the "About Me" section of my yahoo answers profile page. For some reason if I tried to put the link in here then the question won't be visible in the category.

Self confidence boosting books? Self help?

Yah, you can download articles on Self Development and videos too on Self Improvement or attend such self-boosting seminars I am sure they can be found elsewhere you just have to make more effort after all it is what you need right? so good luck and cheer up , nothing is impossible to do really when you seriously pursue it/them.

Was Adam & Eve not form Earth? The Forgotten Books of Eden does state they were not of earth.?

Are the books of Eden contained in The Bible? No they are not. Therefore they are not considered to be inspired by God and equal with the rest of Scripture. I'm not familiar with those books, but I would consider them to be the work of fiction.

Christians only, What does it mean?

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you" Rom.8:11

Did he like me? Please help.?

Sure he liked you mate! But perhaps he isn't the kind of person to dwell either so when neither one of yall made the move, he decided to move on. Maybe you should show the world YOU don't dwell as you say, and should move on as well.

Cant access mixtape onto my ipod?

okay so i downloaded mixtapes, and placed them under my music files(not itunes) and then i opened them into itunes, and that exclamation popped out to where the location is not found, so i located one track back to the saved file. but when trying to do the same with other tracks, it doesnt work? help!!

Is a mosque the ideal place to pray to God for muslims?

He can pray at home, that will be his masjid and since he is alone he knows there are no hypocrites praying in it defiling the place.

I'm 15 and thinking on moving from England to L.A at 17 - 18 . Advice/Help Please?

Wow. No offence but if you manage to make up the money to move ALL the way to Santa monica (not the cheapest place to live) then your a genius. I think you would have to build a hotel on the moon before you even have half the amount you need

Do you think depression is over diagnosed?

Probably. After a major breakdown, I lost a LOT of weight quickly, slept 2 hrs/day, and was almost a zombie. Finally, I went to the dr. after a cousin was diagnosed with depression. Clinical Major Depression involves an imbalance in the brain, and is usually triggered by a major event. My event was severe abuse. I am not normal w/o my medications. Those who truly have this disorder NEED meds sometimes for life (such as in my case).

How do I legally dwell in the static house all year round?

Assuming you're in the UK, you need planning permission to live on your own land. I think you can get away with it up to 28 days but for any period after that you'd have to apply to your local council. Their main concerns would be with toilet waste. At a push, depending on how visible the caravan is to nearby housing, you could get away with living there for quite a long time before the council get it together to pay a visit. It only takes one person to complain however.

What sense this poem makes to you? Where do you place it from 0-9?

a very good sonnet. surely, a man with this kind of love could change your perspective of the word love. i will give it an 8 though, you can add some more rhymes in order to make it more interesting and not boring to read, just a thought.

How much time do you spend ...?

... dwelling on your flaws as a human being (and how to get better), versus time spent dwelling on your virtues (and patting yourself on the head?)? And what is your gender?

Can anybody tell me the name of the song playing in the Rivers Casino commercial?

The RIvers Casino is located in Pittsburgh, PA. The only words I can really be sure about in the song lyrics are "super sonic."

What could be wrong with me?

I have this weird rash it isn't all over my body or located in one spot either. They are like random patches of skin that are dry and itchy. I have one on my leg, on on my arm, another on my knee and several on my buttox. I have also been losing weight unusually. I have been really hungry lately and seem to be a bottomless pit! I eat more than usual and have been really fatigued so I know that it is odd to be losing weight. I have lost almost 20 pounds and I just sit around and eat. What could possibly be causing the rash, fatigue, and hunger?

What's are some good songs for bass?

I'm a bassist and I want to find some good songs that are easy to learn yet challenging enough to make ut fun to play. I'm in the intermediate level so things like "Bat country" or "Interstate love song" would be good. And what's a good website to find bass tabs? Anything else besides UG? Thanks

What does my boyfriend mean when he says argentines are generally happier than americans?

well i was talking to my argentine boyfriend about his home country i am pregnant and he said his family has a business down there so we would be more financially stable for now till we come back to america but i said but isnt argenina a developing country? and he told me yes in a way but in argentina they dont dwell on material possesions like americans and they essentially have a better quality of life and i still dont get what he means by it and he said i would be happier in argentina but i still dont get what he means by "argentines are generally happier than americans" can someone help me understand?

Parents skeptical bout choice of course?

show them how good you are at this, ha ha, ive been getting into drums myself, and of course, my parents were really skeptical, they didn't see the musical inclination in me, well, they decided to buy me a new phone at best buy after i graduated, and there was this drum set anyone could play in the back, well after they had bought my phone, my dad went looking for me, and he found me there looking at drums, i sat back down to play, as he was looking at prices, and he watched me for a little bit, as we got into the car, my mom asked where we were, and i told her, i found a drum set i could play, and she asked my dad, how did he do? and he was like, he can play, he is really good at it, so, skepticism - 0, jordan - 1, show your parents how good you are that what you want to do if they show signs of skepticism, then maybe, they might just back you up with it, if you love cooking, cook them something that will keep them coming back for more

Giants in the Bible (the Anankim, "sons of Anak") -- parallel account of the "Annunaki" of Sumeria?

Nephilim actually translates to "those who came down" or "fallen ones". The translation of nephilim to mean physical giants is an error.

Where can i do my mba in chennai? ?

Dis is my final year of ug degree( And i wanna knw wich collg provides more campus with moderate fees... Pls help me

I am an indian.i have completed my graduation in electronics & want study psychology in which my interest lies?

i came to know that i can do it by completing a conversion course or program which gives me a diploma in psychology. after getting it i can do my pg in my area of interest in psychology because most entry requirements for doing pg in psychology need a ug degree in psychology which i dont have as i am an electronics engineer. plz can anyone give me info abt this conversion courses and which are the best universities that provide such conversion courses in UK.

Beginning of a novel!! need opinions! ten pts!!?

I actually thought it was pretty good until I got to the David Bowie Ipod part. I stopped reading it after that.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Which of these styles on a girl do you like more ?

I like the first. the second just isn't my style. on the second i just don't like the shirt wearte shorts r cute. and the dress is cute :)

Subway restaurant wages?

It would be slightly less BUT if you are under 21 then you will not be earning the minimum wage anyway - youd only be earning a % of it. Min wage is what the ADULT wage is not children.

How to find the activation energy of an electroluminescence spectrum?

I have an electro luminescence spectrum of a DWELL structure. I need to find the activation energy for the emission. Can u tell me how to calculate activation energy from the graph

Which hospital do moms prefer in Pretoria..?

Me and my husband already decided on having a ceaser, my doctor is located at Wilgers Hospital Pretoria East, how is the staff and service during these times there, or is there other hospitals moms prefer?

My Old Defensive Beatdown Deck?

Its a decent deck but dont you think you need a few offensive monsters. Try blue eyes, D. Magician. monsters like that. Because if you dont get to inflict any damage the duel will end with the loser being the person who cant draw anymore cards. Good deck but it just needs a few higher attack monster.

How to create interactive map?

what are the softwares to create ur own map like the google map??? i want to create map to locate equipment in an area?? TQ

Wholesale Products Los Angeles CA?

Hello I was wondering if anyone happens to know where Bonita shoe distributor is located in Los Angeles. Or where you can get whole sale shoes for a good price. Or if you their is a place where you can get a member ship and buy whole sale items for very cheap such as house cleaning products, shoes, lingerie.

My step mom called me ug mug.....?

She's psychotic. I'd not take anything she says with a grain of salt. Invalid opinions from an invalid woman. I have a mean stepmom also who ruined my life. Finally took her off of my list of people who's opinions I take seriously.

Please Help me........suggest a career option.......!!?

HI a PG graduate. My UG qualification is Computer Science Engineering and I have done MBA [finance and marketing ] as my PG .I am a fresher too. My doubt is whether there is ample opportunities available for MBA with Engg in the field of IT. Or else please gimme an idea of other career opportunities available for me..........Thanks in advance.

I'm moving to Miami.... Help!?

I am a 21 year old male and I am moving to Miami Florida in January to go to Le Cordon Bleu Culinary school. It is located in the city of North Miami which I understand is a couple miles away from downtown and South Beach. I would like to live in the downtown or beach area where the nightlife is very good. I was wondering how the traffic would be commuting. Where the best place to live might be if I get a 1 bedroom apartment. Also I am an experienced bartender so I would be looking for a job doing that. Any information about living and working in Miami would be great. Thanks

Phd admissions with low undergrad GPa but 88% in MBA and Gmat 770?

i have low undergrad gpa(74%) but 88% in MBA and have 770 in Gmat .. what colleges in US can i get for Phd.. I am from India. does my UG score hinder my chances

Internship at AIIMS after physiotherapy?

I'm a final yr student of physiotherapy(UG).I want to internship at AIIMS. Kindly help me know the procedure regarding this and whether this is possible or not? i'll be highly thankful to you.

Fire dept broke my unit door lock, then who pay for it?

It really comes down to you and your manager. The sensor in the hall went off, and they have no idea of knowing what is going on in your apartment. What else would they do, when, if there was a fire, time would be extremely critical?

How to get a job in ISRO by finishing an engineering Graduate.?

write entrance exam for isro and then if qualify you will recieve an interview letter.. all the best.. :)

How much do shipping containers cost on average?

I wanted to purchase one either 10 or 20 ft shipping container to store my personal belongings. I have also thought of using the 40 and 20 ft containers so I could build a dwelling. What do any of you know?

I need street names located in griffin ga?

i know its a weird question but i need to know the names of all streets located in griffin ga thanks

Legally Reverse Bipolar Diagnosis?

Sue the doctors who originally diagnosed you. If you can establish that they were wrong you can get your record cleared.

Should I talk to him after he's left me?

My fiance left me for a second time and I have no idea what to do. I was so angry with him but I really still am in love with him.When he left he said he loved me and wanted me but he couldn't cope with fighting that his life was moving at 100 miles per hour and that he needed to soar and couldn't dwelling on meaningless fights. So I left him a lone but as the days pass I have the urge to contact him more and more and I have no idea what to do. all of my friends say he was a complete idiot and didn't deserve me and a part of me agrees with them. I gave him my all...everything I could give and I feel as though he keeps playing head games with me with the leaving and coming back. But in the same sense its why I'm having such a hard time letting go I guess because I've put so much into him. I don't know if there is a chance for us to ever be together again but should I try and talk things out with him or let him be. The first time he left me he said it was because he needed to fix himself and then he came crawling back miserable saying he couldn't be without me. So I'm really confused. I know he has mental issues... as do I and i don't know if that's influencing anything but I feel so lost. I really don't want to lose him. What should I do...please help

Problem with gta 4 please help?

You must install the social club. If that doesn't solve the problem, download xlive.dll from the internet and put it in your game directory ;)

My step mom called me ug mug(ugly)....?

Perhaps she's seen how you've changed and regretted her earlier comments and tried to make it up with a compliment of some kind. The eyebrows was the first thing she though of. She could be messing with you too. If she is, screw her, and prove to her that you have changed.

Braces and elastic bands?

So I started wearing my elastics today and they don't really hurt (even though there heavy's witch is the strongest my orthodontic gives) but they do feel really really weird, they make my throat dwell like it's being pressed on and when ever I eat thing it's the food get stuck in my throat and is slowly sliding down I also burp alot when wearing them but the burps "burst" my throat is anyone eale dealing with any of this?!?!

Does anybody know where in Callaway county Missouri the Socket fiber optic network's head-end is located?

And is it completed or close to being completed. Can ya tell im excited about the fiber to the home network that's being created? :)

Does the college or place where you attain ur UG degree really matter?

While checking out your resume...does the jury ever consider the name n fame or location of the Institution or college where u got ur UG degree??...or is their impression solely based on ur performance?

Can you please help me with a few of these biology questions?? :)?

1 is the cytoplasm. 2 is multi-celled organisms. 3 could be something like facial hair (you may want to double check that one). 4 both A and C are correct. 5 both B and D are correct.

Depressed and I dont know what to do. Advice?

Well I will be going to school for psych so I may as well practice now. PS SUPER LONG lol. Seriously you have to address what ever happened. You may not want to but if you don't your life will be headed in the same direction it's in now. Then if you absolutely can't devout any time to yourself then perhaps devout time to some hobby outside of work like sports, art, religion etc. As for sleep try to listen to music while sleeping. Other than that I'm not sure what else to say. Hope this helps and I give you my best wishes!

Help please i need a job. I'm really really desprate please and i am only a 14 male.?

I'm pritty much desprate for a job, any job thats located in canberra (2615). Please yeah i really need your help. I can build and repair computers, and i can lift fairly heavy objects aswell,and can also clean pritty good. And much more but i may also need more then that. I'm just open to any job around Canberra. I dont care what it is if the pays ok. Like i'm only 14 and would work 10 hours a day if its what i had to do. Thanks.

How do i dye my black hair bright red/auburn (a color like Khlo� Kardashian did last year)?

Bleach out all of your color and then put a red dye on it. FYI: red is one of the largest color molecules so they will fall out and fade fast, you'll need to freshen up the red about every 3 weeks.

City in spain need help locating?

Has anyone heard of Ustedes,Spain or a city close to that grandma says that my familys from this city in spain but i cant locate it on a map.anyone have a idea?

RHH: Did you ever see the original track-list for I Am...The Autobiography?

a href=""…/a

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to fix metabolism?

Well when i was younger i had an eating problem...i didnt want to eat lol yes i was anorexic (i know its no joke) but why dwell in the past? anyways now that im 26 and have 3kids im trying to lose weight (please dont comment on diet pills, diets ect. i"ve been there) we're exercising (hubby and i) but he loses it so fast and i think its because i messed up my metabolism....i just want to know how to fix it lol i eat healthy but i'm finding myself not wanting to eat and under eating and i really dont want to go there again i think i need a plan or something....oh ya i weigh 176and my goal weight is 125

How to forget ur past love when you know she will be in front of your eyes every day.?

i was in relation with a girl in my UG and we had abreakup now we got admition to same college in PG and she comes in front of my eyes every day i loved her true but she foold me what shd i do?

How does the poet present the man's feelings about his relationship?

The poet is overwhelmed by her physical beauty but there is no detail of her voice, her body language although he says 'She seemed to hear my silent voice' but again this is all in his mind. So to answer your question this is a typical male reaction to an attractive female, ignoring what the woman really feels and what she wants from life. I like John Clare but this is a very thin poem with a male veneer over what should be something much much deeper if we are talking about real love as opposed to lust.

What do you think this means.....?

Okay...well i looked up what my name meant...and it's said "Gods Dwelling" can anyone tell me what you think that might mean. I would appreciate it a lot. Thank you for answering and have a very beautiful day. ;)

Which one have better Career prospects ... SAP SD or FICO?

Hi I'm dinesh . I'm going to complete my MBA Finance and HR in 2011.Already i have 2 years work exp in Sales. Now i did my PG in Finance . And i don't have Accounts background (UG is Bsc Computers)... So kindly suggest better Module which have better career prospects ???

Where did all the underground raves go?

I'm over in the SF Bay Area and there used to be HELLA UG raves like a few years ago, but ever since i dropped out of the scene they all seemed to disappear. None on ravelinks or BP Productions. If you know of anything going on or know where I can find em, let me know!

I need an idea/example of vertical integration?

No story of vertical integration is more famous than in the chicken business.It started from a small business of slaughter house.Then it organized most of the farmers in the best region of the country to join the same breeding,feeds and technology.It then set up its own feeding mill, and fried chicken restaurant.

Did"Modern"Wicca walk away from the words below and is Wicca becoming as splintered as Christianity?

This is the longest version of the Creed I have ever seen. Since Christianity took so much from the old pagan religion I doubt that Wicca will become like it. Has it splintered, in the last 25-30 years I would say it has in the at there are some who believe that it is totally ok to be open and some who still believe in the original Ordains that dictated the secrecy and the reasons for it. But then I became involved about 50 years ago and things were different them.

What school in London should i choose?

University of Bath and Oxford Brookes are not in London, and Middlesex Uni, is greater London, though depends on what Campus, so I'd say LSE and Kingston are your best bet:)

Canadian versions of american stores?

For one, Loblaws is like walmart, except it's Canadian. Dunno about others, but I'm sure you'll find lots of Canadian stores if you look around.

New graphics card help ?

Looking at that card's specs shows that it requires a minimum of 400w PSU. You will need to upgrade the PSU (upgrades can be found here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) in order to use that card. Make sure the new PSU has a 6-pin PCI-E connector. Good luck :)

Is the ultimate achievement not to "mind"...?

The Master said, "A man who has mindfulness, when he sits, he knows he is sitting, and when he stands, he knows he is standing." Mindfulness does not mean you never get angry, but that you know when you are angry and live in that moment; it does not mean you are never anxious, but that you know you are anxious, and live in that moment. To be or not to be becomes the same - experience.

Sexual problem ongoing?

it is hard but when u think of look at porn think of Obama ******* your dad. it works for me dud i hope this helps :)

Aspiring to become an IAS...pls guide me reg good top IAS coaching institues in chennai..?

hai..i'm a B.TECH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY student entering into third year and i would like to become an IAS officer in the near future..wen i asked many of the insitutes,they are ready to give coaching only after completing my UG degree...but i would like to join a good TOP class IAS coaching center in CHENNAI and start perparing from now so that i could crack IAS as soon as i complete by B.TECH in 2013.....pls guide me regarding this...i'm really aspiring to become an IAS and i'm eager to prepare for it from now...

Was the bible made for foreign affairs?

Acts 17:26 Paul applied this principal when speaking to the Greeks on Mars Hill in Athens when he said: "And hath made of ONE BLOOD all nations of MEN for to dwell on all the fact of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation..." The 'of one blood' refers to the common descent mentioned above, and is consistent with the findings of modern genetics that every people group on the earth have basically the same genetic characteristics as every other.

HELP ! Changing the rear spark plugs?

that looks like a nasty one. i believe that the intake plenum has to be pulled to get to the back three. once that is done, ut should be easier. i had as much fun on a 99 sienna doing the same thing. a tune up took me 7 hours because i was dealing with getting the intake out of the way and replacing valve cover gaskets.

Will they look for you if you leave to another state with a felony charge?

I currently have 2 charges of Grand Larceny and Burglary of dwelling. I got bonded out on $30,000 and i currently don't have a trial date yet. But i get a bad feeling that i'm going to have to do some time. I have a place in Hawaii that i can move too also. Right now I'm in Mississippi. My question is if i just leave and go to Hawaii without showing up to any court dates will they come all the way to Hawaii to look for me? And if they don't and say i get pulled over in Hawaii and they arrest me for not showing up to court in MS will the state of MS actually spend the money to extradite me all the way back to MS from Hawaii? Or do you think they'll just say screw it and not bother wasting the money. I kinda want to believe that they won't extradite me because I have an uncle who had gotten pulled over here in MS and they saw he had a warrant for him in CA. But CA didn't feel like spending the money to extradite him so they ended up letting him go after 2 weeks of being in jail. He told me that the state by law has only 14 or so days to come and extradite you or else the state thats holding you has to let you go because they don't have a reason to keep you unless you have warrants in their state. Don't worry i'm not a hardened criminal its just that i made a stupid mistake with some friends and now i'm paying for it. And i don't need to hear any criticism either i just want to know will the state of MS come and get me if i flee to Hawaii thats it.

Doubts regarding nativity?

Sir...I've doubts regarding the eligibility criteria for tancet...I'm a keralite by birth and did my schooling in kerala till 10th...but then we shifted to tamilnadu and I did my 12th and ug degree here in tamilnadu...we obtained tamilnadu ration card and voter id on aug 2010...Now I have a doubt on what my nativity actually is...Is it TN/kerala...???? While filing the application form I gave my nativity as kerala.....Will it cause any problem sir???? Since I'm learning here in tn for 5 yrs will I be treated as a tamilnadu candidate though I have given my nativity as kerala???

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Open university UG degree is valid for govt jobs?

open university UG degree (Madras univ) is valid for govt jobs? can i apply for govt jobs? is this degree is valuable?

TSH Ultrasensitive(CLIA) - 8.986. Is thyronorm 50 ug dose fine? Or is it too much? Are there any side effects?

When you start this medication, your Doctor should be checking you TSH level AGAIN in 1-3 months to see if that dose has "lowered" the TSH to the proper level. If it is still high, then the dose may need to raised again. If it comes back too low, the dose may need to be lowered. YOU MUST FOLLOW UP WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

How do I get over this breakup and move on when I have no closure?

My live in boyfriend left me a month ago with no job, no money, overdue bills and I had to sell my home, gave my pets away and moved to an apartment because I needed money. I truly loved this man but found out a year in to the relationship he has an substance addiction. I lost everything of worth, he sold it. Losing everything and him has been very hard on me. I am angry and want to get the last word in and he will not allow me to do so. I need to get over this and move on but I don't know how. I just want to get even for all he has done to me and I don't want to dwell on him anymore.

If the three real zeros of a function f(x) are located at x = r, x = q, and x = p, determine (if possible) the?

Think about all the types of functions. Will multiplying a polynomial by a constant change its roots or just cause it to shrink? What about rational functions and trigonometric functions? Also, what sort of functions can have three roots at all? Exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, trigonometric?

What are 'strange vanities'?

Jeremiah 8:19 Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the LORD in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities?

Having problem with my Bluetooth that is a eco-v268 and I can't get my Samsung solstice to locate it.?

Having problem with my Bluetooth that is a eco-v268 and I can't get my Samsung solstice to locate it. Please help! tried everything. Turning on and off. blue tooth is activated on phone. Keep hitting search and it just keep saying can not locate device. This Bluetooth is designed supposedly especially for sgh-a887 model phones Pls help!

Looking for the phone number of allure bridals, i am located in the USA, and not sure where its manufactured?

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How can I help my fiance get over something that happened in my past?

When I was younger I was raped. I acted out in a way I know a lot of people have done. I had my reasons, i was damaged, and I didn't know how else to cope. I have come to terms with my past, I myself have let it go. I know that in the end my actions were not right. But he hates how people are when it comes to sleeping with people. He hates how so many people think its ok to sleep with so many people or that I let myself go through that. He doesn't understand nor will he ever, but it bothers him. he thinks about it a lot. It hurts him so bad to think about what i have done. I tell him the past is the past it doesn't have to do with us. Its only you and me and none of that matters. Its not like i loved them or there was emotion behind it. I know that makes it pointless and it took me meeting him to realize I'm better than that and I don't have to deal with that and that I shouldn't have in the first place but I did and its done. How do I help him get over something that really isn't his problem? How do I help him to realize the past is truly the past? I fear that if he can't learn to let this go its going to continue to hurt our relationship when really there is no reason for it. I don't go around dwelling on the few people he has been with, I know its the past and I know its only me in his eyes but I need help to help him see the same way I do....thanks for your time

I have a tender spot next to my right hip on the inside. What could it be?

It's not really painful, just when I touch it, it kind of feels like a bruise. It's more annoying than anything else. I have no other symptoms, no nausea or anything like that. I just had my mirena iud removed 2 days ago & am now on the nuva-ring & the pain started after leaving the drs office. I'm thinking that maybe my doctor pushed down too hard during the exam & bruised me under my skin but I'm just trying to get insight from others. My biggest fear is that it could be my appendix, but I think the spot is located too far down to be my appendix. Thanks in advance for your input :)

The ability to believe in god astonishes me..longish?

throughout most of my life i had been an agnostic never really putting much faith into anything but have always been comforted by the idea that hey theres got to be something out there but how can any of these books and faiths contain the complete will of god, and even if one could do that ive always felt that over the years many religions original goals and meanings have become perverted. up until recently i was completely content with this belief, but very recently something has made me start to struggle with the realization that i might actually be an atheist. i don't know specifically what caused this revelation, but i know that the more i dwell on it the more viable it becomes. ive actually almost completely accepted the lack of a god or a hereafter completely, and coming to this belief ive found that its much harder to handle than i would have thought before it was an entertainable idea in my head. its just like the more i think about it the more i seem to come to the conclusion that maybe we werent an accident but maybe we were and maybe there is no all knowing, all seeing, all powerful creator that drafted us in his image and maybe when we die thats just it, we die. and the more i think about mortality the more securely the belief becomes implanted in my brain, nothing we do when were alive matters since there is no afterlife in which we can be punished, spiritually were on our own and the idea of a higher power is only to keep us performing socially acceptable actions. and also the more i ponder this the more ludicrous the idea of believing in a god, who has never been proven or even hinted at by the millions of years this earth has been around. with this question i mean to convey no disrespect but only too get an unemotional, level headed answer from someone who does have the capability to believe.

My 9 mo old has lead poisoning. 22 ug/dL. What can I do?

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I want to get my life together. At least one aspect of it. Where should I start?

First you always need to believe in yourself. Sometimes we work in situations that are not representing us in our best light but this far from means you are incapable of success or achievements. For example if you ask for the benefits, a set salary, the three weeks vacation but forget to ask for a nice boss and get a boss that is unappreciative and over loads you with work do you think that it is your fault and you are not good enough or do you realize that the expectations placed on you are not realistic and super woman herself would fall behind and loose desire to please in this work environment too? Yes she would, so at the end of the day you are doing better than anyone else with a nice boss as you take on the challenge and still accomplish what is physical possible while at the same time having negative energy around you at work everyday. Remember to live in the moment take on each task and only one task, do what you need to in that moment and if you do not have enough time finish each moment it is what it is... Remember to ALWAYS Believe in your self, it makes finding a job much easier.

Will attending a more prestigious university make it easier to find an out-of-state job after I graduate?

You can find job positions for college students and graduates with different degrees online thru this site -

What to do umm cause idk?

my girlfriend and i have been dating for about a month now. we see eachother all the time during school and we hang out in the passing periods. which we have 10 minutes. a few days ago, she was hugging me then she tries to get off of me and runs out the door to see her friends. her friends that are guys. she runs out and yells their name. i didnt get a love you or anything. then today, we were standing in the hallways and i was talking to my brother and his girlfriend, and she sees a guy she knows and opensher arms for a ug. no guy hugs my girlfriend when im standing there for some reason. i guess their scared. anyway im talking to my brother and his teacher comes out and tells us to leave so we wont be late. well i start walking and my girlfriend literally runs down the hallway to go hug the guy. i was like alright and walked the other way. i got mad because she knows we dont have that much time together. and i walked down and she goes "are you mad at me" i didnt say nothing to her. and im pretty sure she knows why i was mad. and she goes "whatever" and walked into her class like nothing even happened. she always talks about other guys and ****. i dont say anything cause i dont wanna break up, but with her doing this, honestly idk what to do anymore. if osmeone could please give me an insightful answer on what to do, it would be greatly appreciated,, thanks.

Does anyone know where I can buy the original Ruby Buttons doll please?

The original dolls were made by two different companies in the 1980's, the Horsman company and Anker toys. My sister and I had Ruby and Violet Pickles but over the years they have been mislaid and I have located a Violet on ebay but cannot find Ruby anywhere and am desperate. Can anyone help please?

Where can i get clomid in london without a prescription?

I have pcos and my Dr is being really hard on me about giving me treatment, i did everything that the asked me to do but now my partner lives in a different country were he was located due to work they are not giving me my treatment. I am going to be 28 next month and i have never been pregnant i really want to start my family.please help me

Any prospective Nottingham students (Indians) joining this September?

Any Indian students joining The University of Nottingham this September (2011)? Kindly mention if UG/PG..I have been offered a place for the M.Sc programme.

Mount carmel college results ,mount carmel college bangalore where can i get?

mount carmel college bangalore, mount carmel college results,mount carmel college results 2011,mount carmel college pg results,mount carmel college pg results 2011,mount carmel college ug results 2011,

I miss being in a relationship and it's getting me down?

I broke up with my ex at the start of this year after a 2 year relationship; I realised I didn't love him and I wanted to be single. At first it felt weird being single as I wasn't familiar with it, but then I started to really enjoy it and have fun meeting new people and just enjoying my new single freedom and I even had 2 one night stands bc I was so drunk but it was just harmless fun. Now the feeling has worn off and I miss having a boyfriend (I don't miss my ex, I was over him before we even broke up). I get quite upset when I see happy couples, I want to be in a stable, loving relationship. But I don't want to dwell on love, I want love to come to me and I really hope it does sometime soon. So will I just concentrate on other stuff in my life such as my career and friends and put love to the back of my mind? Bear in mind I'm an 18 year old girl.

Why do Thai people get so judgemental when people from other countries make their food?

I am serious, I am so sick and tired of Thai people being so judgemental when people from other countries make their food. My wife is American and she can good great Thai food. However, Thai people want to dwell on the ingredients until they find something to gripe about. I could have a Thai person make pad thai and then put in on the kitchen table and lie and say my wife made it and then Thai people would say it is not authentic. They seem to equate "not authentic" as anything made by someone who is not a Thai. Honestly, some Thai people have no idea about their food. All they do is go get the food from a food stall, they don't even cook, well most of them don't.

Can someone list international non-profit organizations located in Chicago?

I'm currently studying International Affairs and French and self-teaching Arabic. I live in Illinois and would like to volunteer/intern for an international organization. Thank you.

I have a phobia? im scaredd?

ok so alot i have this constant fear that someone is going to like be behind me or like idk i think of killers. no im not all screwed up trust me im not on drugs ever and never smoked. its just weird like when im home alone for example and i hear the tiniest noise, all these possibilities of what could go wrong pops into my head and i get so scared! also like in the shower when i wash my face then open my eyes i always fear ill open my eyes to someone standing there like just holding a knife or idk! ug i know i know its so weird but its scary and if theres a name for this id really eppreciate knowing what it is! thanks!! :)

How big do female Stinkpot Musk Turtles get? And would two females be okay living together in a 100 gal. tank?

the record size for a stinkpot is 5.4 inches, but most never get much past 4.". two females could easily live in a tank that large. They are bottom dwellers, but might show their heads if you built a little platform a few inches below water level,as they like to burrow into the mud on lake shores.


could anyone plz giv me their feedback on Ross Medical College in West Indies as a centre for a UG Course....?????????...........thnks

We have had the same PO Box number for 17 years. As we are in a rural area, there is no usps delivery.?

You live on a rural route. You are going to have to call and talk to a real person. You will have to ship it USPS also.

How do I add .mp4 files to my Windows Media Player video library?

I am able to play .mp4 videos on my WMP with no problem. However, I want to share the .mp4 files on my PS3, but whenever I try to add the videos to my library, it just shows up in "Other Media" so my PS3 cannot locate the videos.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Just out of idle curiousity, could the members answer small survey?

I have two cats both females and fixed. They used to be indoor and out door, but now there just indoor. We live in the city and we put collars on them. We take them to the vet every four years or so. I have one show cat and my other one is a common house cat. Along with our two cat's we have a dog as well.

Physics displacement?

A wants to see his friend B. The house of B is located at the side of a street perpendicular to the street where (at the side of this street) A's house is located. A then drives 300 m towards north through his car to reach the crossing of the mentioned streets. He then drives 400 m towards east to finally reach B's house. But B is at C's house which is located at the side of the same street as that of B's house. A then drives east until he reached C's house. If the total displacement magnitude of A from his house is 700 m, how far is C's house from that of B? Assume that the two houses are located at the same side of the street.

Islam important question about common islamic saying please answer?

Now we know that Allah swt is the first and came before us and i understand this fully. Often in quran i think and stated by brothers and sisters we say Allah swt is the last. I dont quite understand, does this mean we may not dwell eternally im confuse??????

If the three real zeros of a function f(x) are located at x = r, x = q, and x = p, determine (if possible) the?

Let g(x) = f(x-5). At x=5+r, we have g(x) = g(5+r) = f(5+r - 5) = f(r) = 0, so 5+r is a root. That should be more than enough of a hint, if I've interpreted your question correctly.

Pokemon omega hack cheats?

hi im looking for some like gameshark codes for the hack pokemon omega i was thinking that i could use the gameshark codes for the pokemon game they hacked to make it but every site i go on says its a different game one says its a ruby hack another says firered ug idk what to beleave lol so if u have any gameshark codebracker any kind of cheats for the hack pokemon omega please help me lol thank you

Is Anyone in Charlotte,NC currently hiring?

I know this isn't the typical question to be posting, but I'm desperate. I am located in Charlotte,NC and I am seeking employment in any type of field. I have lots of experience in everything. I have applied to everyone but people are only accepting apps and not hiring right now. I am about to lose my place of residence and my wife is having a baby in a few weeks so I need a job Help me I am really dependable and reliable I will work grocery, general labor positions, just no sales, roofing or commission jobs.

Buying a new electric guitar soon and really confused, enlighten me?

sounds like your playing style will be more thrash metal just like me, so i would reccomend one of the jacksons, jacksons are designed for metal, and any cheaper range ibanez's are not very good for metal tone, untill you can offord more expensive pickups or a nicer ibanez, so i would reccomend the warrior

How can can maiden name back if im not divorced?

i have been separated for over fifteen years, but legally still married, can not afford cost to do a divorce, plus other partie is in and out of prison system, hard to locate, I just want my maiden name back

How may I deal with my cysts?

Im 16 and I have a cysts located in my left chest area and lately is bothering me. At times I get a cramp below my cyst area that bothers me when I am doing physical activity. One last thing when I lay on my chest if I roll over I at times find myself out of breath :(. Is it possible I may need to have my cyst drained cause it seems to have gotten larger within the past year or so.

Where can i do my mba in chennai? ?

Dis is my final year of ug degree( And i wanna knw wich collg provides more campus with moderate fees... Pls help me

Is Jesus God or is He not God?

Jesus is the word of God, therefore not God but only His word. He considered Himself God while on Earth because He was considered the "Son of God" tasked to shed the blood of God to save us mankind who eventually considered also as His sons.

What rappers do you think get too much hate?

yaaa totally agree with lil b , i love how he just named his new album "i'm gay" hahah but other than him...lil wayne gets hit on soo hard . people seem to either love him or hate him but oh well, theyre all millionaires so it makes sense that people are gonna be hatin !

Where is the best site to sell cars in the Philippines?

I've tried & I reside in Davao city & my units are also located here.

Can I be hindu and christian?

There are quite a few Hindus who accept Christ as an avatar of God like Krishna or Rama. I am a Christian but I acknowledge the truth found in other religions as well.

Cydia downloading help?

Whenever I try to download something it says in red "I wasnt able to locate the file for ...package. You might need to manually fis this package" whay do I do when this appears

Are we alone here? Who else is G-D addressing in Isaiah 18:3?

It is poetic in Hebrew. There is nothing there to hint that GOD is speaking to two groups. He is speaking to one group- everyone on the earth.

Can i find a no drama chick?

Everyone has a little bit of drama! doesn't mean they lack interest or ambition. I'm sure some of the most ambitious and interesting girls will be dramatic. Good luck! x

Is it possible to do post graduate course under delhi or cal univ after doing a correspondence course?

if i opt for a correspondence under graduate course under IGNOU in english, will it be possible to opt for a post graduate course under delhi or calcutta university?? and also, can anyone please suggest me the best place for doing correspondence course in psychology and english and what will be the future pors and cons of after tis UG course....i need REAL help..Thanks guys!!

U.S Army Military Police?

What are the deployment lengths for military police officers? Where are all of the military police bases located at and can you request where you would like to be stationed at, if so, how does that work? As a military police officer, could you permanently become someone who trains soldiers of other military's and police forces as well as our own military police personnel? Can high ranking military police officers (Major and up) be able to have a lot of field work, if not, is there anything you can do to get more?

HELP.. i'm so anxious/depressed all the time?

I just feel like my life has lost meaning. I tried being a teacher, and I was told that I was not up to standards, so now I carry this with me wherever I go. I'm just not used to failing and I can't help but continually dwell on this failed career. Now I feel like I can never be a good teacher, because I just didn't know how to handle my class. Right now I'm working in another career, but I just don't feel fulfilled in my job. I'm always anxious all the time... and I'm always crying (at home). I just don't know what to do with my life and I feel so lost and trapped. All I want to do is just get married and have kids, I really don't want to work, and I can't see myself doing anything really, but I need to in order to make a living and survive. I just don't understand why I don't feel fulfilled.. it's like something is missing in my life. I have an amazing boyfriend and lots of friends, but I'm still always sad... WHY? I really don't know what to do and I really need to talk to someone because I keep feeling suicidal and I really want it to go away and it never does... I just always feel hopeless. PLEASE HELP

What to do with my life - Shall I end it?

just do what makes you happy and dont be a coward thinking of ending life your still young and have plenty of time to pursue different careers and finish school

Looking to change my image over the summer...?

It doesn't seem like a large change to me. So, it won't be weird for you to come back to school in September in more stylish clothes. ;o) Have fun!!

On what basis are students admitted to convecation for the UG at Madras university?

Are students of the UG(BA,BSC,B.Com) of Madras university admitted to the convecation automatically after the completion of the course or will their degrees be issued only after they submit their application for the same whenever it may be? What is the date of issue.

Anyone know the name of this chinese restaurant located in Houston, TX?

I went to this restaurant once before and I want to go there again when I head back to Texas. The front entrance to the restaurant has a pond where there a huge amount of koi/goldfish in it. The restaurant is also decorated in lot of decorative lights.:-)

To Francine. Will you read my poem, if you must?

Hi. Very touching poem, i like how you control your writing, good narrator voice that rocks, fluid and comfortable, every thing fall into place nicely. deep impression. Francine is a very lucky woman. Nice poem.

Parents help please! my grad ceremony is tomorrow and I really don't want to go! really dreading this!!?

I cant believe that your mother is being like that. She should be proud of you for graduating, not freaking out over you missing out by 1%! Yes you may be bummed about this 1%, but don't skip graduation over it. You will only graduate from high school once, don't miss the experience of the ceremony. Just tell yourself that you did your best, and that you made it to graduation, unlike other people who don't. Also maybe you should try talking to you mom about the way she is making you feel, its a good idea to get that stuff out in the open. Good luck and Congratulations!

Suggest me a course which doesnt include mathematics subject?

Physics is almost entirely math. Biology will require some math (maybe some calculus) but not a lot; mostly algebra.

What PG course is better scope for my future? I am doing my UG in mechanical engineering...?

I can speak good...Not thinkin of going technical on PG...But i want all ma OPTIONS like mba and also which would give me a better pay in future...Please advice

At what point does the average lower class, African American, inner city dwelling voter say to themselves?

"Hmmmmm this whole voting democrat every election since my grandma told my my mom to, and now my moms told me too, has it worked out??? hmmmm not so much" When will they look at their surroundings and say to themselves, "No longer will I be an idiot and vote democrats into office again. The fact I'm told Republicans are rich, fat cat, liars might not be so true. I've voted a democrat everytime yet i'm still broke, poor, and living in the gutter. Maybe I should try something different? Maybe just maybe."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where are the hold down bolts on my cylinder head?

I have a 1993 Pontiac sunbird. I have removed everything but the head to fix a head gasket. I still have to remove the throttle body behind the head. I was just wondering where are the hold down bolts located to undo so I can lift the head out of there.

How do I open radio commands in counter strike source?

i think it is located on the left side of is used to give radio commands to the other users in a server..i remember one command that says "need backup"

Do you thinking raising my dogs water bowl will help?

i have an 8yr old carine terrie male. lately when he drinks water from a bowl located on the floor when he gets done he gags and somtimes some clear gunk comes out. i am pretty sure thats just spit he is otherwise a happy healthy little dog.i am just wondering if anyone else had this issue and if raising the bowl helped. when he goes for walks he does have a harness so he is not pulling on his throat thanks

What are the difference between this 2. Post Graduation and ug?

You can take admission UG (Under graduate course like BA, B.Sc. BBA, BCA MBBS etc.) after completing schooling. UG courses are normally 3-5 years, Other hand PG you can get admission after completing UG. The PG courses are normally 1-3 years.

For a civil engineer doing pg course in india is better than in abroad?

am pursuing my ug currently. i wanna know the better opportunities available if i do my pg in india or abroad.please help!

Where is the OBDII port in my Mazda Protege 99?

I can't find the port, I have read that it has to be located somewhere near to the stering wheel and the gauges but I can't see it.

Pls suggest a good place to do MBA/PGPM in chennai?

hi, i would like to do my MBA/PGPM in some good institute in chennai which is best both in education wise and also placement wise. i'm preparing only for Tancet 2011 and have not written CAT/XAT but yet pls suggest some good one pls!!!!!! i'm university 1st rank holder in my UG also!!!!

Where is the radiator located in my 2000 jeep grand cherokee laredo?

It is located at the very front of your vehicle right behind the grill and right infront of the fan. That is how it is in almost all cars.

In love with a mostly straight girl in a Catholic girls boarding school, and she has a boyfriend. HELP?

Wow your questions were so emotionally intense to the point of me wanting to give you a longwinded answer. Ha ha apologize in advance because this will be a very long one... I truly feel bad for you and I don't even know you. Ha guess because I felt the same way about a few str8 guy crushes in the my past. Unfortunately from my understanding (well reading) you must try your best to keep it moving.. Honestly that chick is using you for her temporary comforts and that ain't right at all. As much as you care for her it isn't fair for you to have too deal with Bf competition. Even if she hooked up with you and dropped him what happens when she spots someone else?. (hmm) Do you believe that she would stick with you or add another to the equation?. You shouldnt have to even fight for her love ooh-hell naw!. She really should naturally want be by your side.. It seems easy for her be so free judging by how you described this chick. She is one of those Ima stay on the fence type of chicks. Not really accepting her actions and stuff. Do you know if she "really even is Bisexual?." I know of chicks that would romantically kiss me too while sloppy drunk and all. But Im basically a homosex male you know so thats just all in fun and games. Shoot some chicks like doing it as some kind of "look at me" trend. And if you gave it to her orally it sounds like she was into it only for a nut. Ugh how effin selfish but you know those deceitful people are out there...However your feelings are involved and thats something very serious. She needs to be told not to "F" with your "effin" feelings!. My bad now I went on a rant for you. Ha ha but please try and protect your heart more better. You deserve someone who will really love you back. I know I don't know you but I have some good sense. Can tell that you have a big heart so give all that loving to a Woman who knows your worth. Let that chick have her little Bf don't entertain her drama's. If she cared any it will hit her later on like a ton of bricks when you already moving on. If all else fails than Karma can quite possibly be the cruelest ***** ever. (wink)

Phd in marketing in berkeley haas or yale? do i have an chance?

Nothing is for certain at top business schools for PhD admissions, but your GMAT score is great and your MBA grades seem pretty good. They will likely ignore your undergrad GPA, I don't know of any PhD program that puts much weight on UG GPA when the applicant has done a master's.

Does yahoo stop certain questions from being asked?

Ok when ever i ask a question that is either dr*ug related or something of that nature it wont appear in the section i posted it in for people to view. What is happening? I know it's not just a coincidence because it's happed before and it's only on questions that feature certain words. If they don't want certain questions asked why don't they just say so in the rules.?

Why do people say agnostics haven't made up their mind?

I don't know whether there is a god or not. I hope for one, but I can't know, so I don't dwell on it, because it does not matter. I have made up my mind.

Is anand institute of higher technology a good college?

i thought of joining there for my ug course frnds plz suggest me if u know anything about the college......

How do you change your home location on google maps?

Whenever I want to check in at my place or to locate myself on google maps from my ipod touch, the app always finds me at my old address, where I used to live one year ago. And I cannot change this. Has anyone had this problem too?

How do you use the phone trcker on the htc inspire 4g?

i heard that the htc inspire has a app where if you loose your phone you can use a voice cammand or something like that for it to ring anf you can locate it. if this is true how do u set ir up or get it, it work?

Pisces having difficult time dealing with things?

Bless your heart. You have been through alot. I was a stepmother for 10 years of four stepkids. it is a difficult to have a "mother" thrown upon you and then you have to do as she says. I put my foot down early in this marriage and told my husband that I refused to discipline the children. Well not always but I got tired of being the bad guy. It is cruel indeed to meet a stranger (stepmother) and then she wields the power in the home. I was uncomfortable with doling out punishment and telling these kids who didn't know me from Adam what to do and how to act and what not to do. It is very unfair to the children and also the stepmother. (If she is worth her salt anyway...that means if she is any good) You have to earn respect. It is just not given. I had to earn my stepkids love and respect. Their mother was neglectful and they lived with my husband and me. Eventually they called me "Mom" but I had earned that privilege. Unfortunately it sounds like you got a pretty rotten stepmother. Her style is being in control and telling you what to do as in chores, etc. She might even believe that your dad and her would get along better without any children. Well, she is wrong. Dead wrong. Know that in your heart. She is a selfish person and is without emotion or kindness. She sounds like the stepmother in Cinderella. She expects respect although she has not earned it. She is abusing her power over you as your "new and crappy mother. Hopefully your mother will get better and when you speak to her (which I hope you do) tell her how much you want her to get better. It sounds like she has her own demons that she is fighting right now. Drug addiction is rough. Nobody intends to become an addict but one you use a drug enough times, your body actually hurts all over when the withdrawal process begins. This stepmother is a cruel person. Pisces are generally not cruel and do not like creulty in general. You are having a hard time dealing with this woman. Can you talk to counselor at school? You have had a very difficult childhood. Terribly difficult. If you can just remember one thing and focus on this when you are feeling down. Time always brings a change. When you are young it doesn't feel like it. But one day you can walk out of that house, get a job, and then your real life will begin. You will make friends. You can surround yourself with good people. And stay away from drugs because many a Pisces looks for escape through addictions. Don't gp there please. Oh, can you volunteer at a local nursing home or at shut-ins in your neighborhood? Mother Teresa said that loneliness was the worst disease on our planet. Try to get out of that house as much as you can. Keep your chin up. You have survived this long and it won't be long until you can have your own environment. God bless you.Will be looking for your questions. Know that you are not the problem. It is easier for your stepmother to blame you for everything because I am sure she "knows" all the answers. NOT........She does not. Bless you again. Time always brings about a change. Oh, and what is your dad going to do when he is stuck there alone with her? Oh yes, his eyes will be opened. For sure. He will then understand your issues. Ha Ha Karma balances everything so hang in there. It wiill get better eventually. Again Bless your heart.

Magic Mushrooms in hamilton?

I'm curious to know where magic mushrooms are located most commonly , i am doing a bit of research about them... i know they grow in wet cold places, also in dung and wood Chipping's, please answer maturely .

Does Metlife's Coverage A Plus home insurance really work?

I got a home insurance quote from Metlife that seems too good to be true. They are the cheapest and claim they will pay out actual replacement cost, even if that cost exceeds my policy limits. The dwelling coverage offered is half of what others offer, but the agent says I shouldn't worry since 'Coverage A Plus' effectively has no limits. This is unique in the market as far as I can tell. Does anyone have experience if they indeed come through on this commitment?

My Mom have an ngo and i now i wud like to continue working with her .Our ngo is 10 years old and i want a new?

and attractive project to work on.. hv given number of trainigs but tis tym i want something which shud be unique and the ladies shud get a chance to sell things made by them and earn gud my ngo is located in uttarakhand so the handamde crafts are very common i want to do something relly tat the poor housewives cud earn..its truely bcoz i want alot of blessings and true believe in feminisim.. plz suggest me some gud gud trainings tat i can put infront of government.

Rent out rooms in a 'dwelling only' property?

The property is listed as 'dwelling only - 2 family' and the landlord rents out rooms (8 rooms, he doesn't live there but some of his family members stay for free) in Kings county, brooklyn, ny. Is that legal? I would like to visit my friend for a week or two and she is afraid her landlord would charge for the extra person...we're just looking for a mini loophole to exploit temporarily. Does the law allow me to visit her or is it just what the landlord says it is.

Is it uncommon not to hear anything after a home inspection?

After our home being on the market for quite some time, we finally got an offer. We are under contract and the buyers had 10 days to schedule a home inspection, which they did and that was done on day 9. The contact states they have three days to contact the sellers (us) and inform them of their decision. It does not state business days or actual days. I just feel like if everything was okay, we would have heard something by now (the home inspections was on Thursday it is now Saturday.) It is also a holiday weekend... Anyone who has ever been through selling a home care to share your experience? We are located in Ohio.

I saw my missing conure but he didn't come to me, need advice?

I lost my conure today around 4:45 pm, he got startled and flew behind my house. I live in a big neighborhood (at least 100 houses I'm guessing?). As soon as he flew off I put his cage in the backyard on top of the trampoline and hung one of his biggest toys from my window. I've been walking the neighborhood up and down since he left trying to find him. As it was getting dark, I was nearly to my driveway when I heard him screech. I shouted his name trying to locate him and he screeched again, then took flight and landed on my roof. He stayed there less than a minute and took flight again and I haven't heard or seen him since. I'm a little more relieved to know that he is near and he has probably seen his cage outside. My question is, should I stay outside during sunrise and see if he'll come to me and his food? Or should I stay inside and just watch for him? I'm just not sure if he will come to me, he has already seen me and didn't come. Yet he did let me know he was around. Ugh I'm at such a loss, any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Know of freeware that will rip, convert music to mp3's and other formats, and also burn?

I had software that did it but I had to reformat my hard drive and forgot to save the information. Now I've lost it and really need to find this. It was a really easy to use, software that I could choose to rip, burn, convert, or do all. Best of all it was totally freeware. I've googled it and can't locate it again. If you know of anything that will do this please respond. Thanks.

Random question: What would your writing desk look like?

If I were a full time writer, I probably wouldn't have a desk and write as I do now which is basically sitting on a couch with my laptop and my feet on a snack covered coffee table.

Port-a-potties on Hiawatha Bike Trail?

The trail on the Idaho/Montana border? are there any? where are they located? Fifteen miles is a long way to go without one.

Help, beginning of a story, need opinions!! ten pts!!?

good idea...but it's a little hard to follow and when u introduce the characters ppl (with no imagination) want to know what she looks like......but the writing is good keep it up :)

Does '' ug '' mean '' yuk?

Yes, "ug" and "yuk" are both used to indicate you find something distasteful. You could find just the idea or thought of it distasteful, objectionable, or unpleasant. You could also find the actual sight, sound, taste, smell, or feel of it unpleasant.

Are Dogs Allowed at This Beach?

I'm going to the beach and i wanna bring my dog. The name of the beach is President Beach. It's located in Long Branch, NJ. Plz Help!

Can I ride my horse in an unused field?

Would I be able to enter a field if it is located next to a bridleway and has no gates or signs indicating that it is private land or otherwise? There are no crops or animals in it and it doesn't appear to have any use as it is overgrown and has been that way for a while now! Just wondering whether I would be allowed to go in it?

Why should I convert YOU?

Personally, I'm fine with people explaining what they believe and why it makes sense, but maybe its just 'cause I like theology, but if they're attacking science saying the Bible doesn't say X theory is true, then they need to leave. Those people are annoying as anything!

Should I volunteer as a soccer club president in my region/county for CalSouth? What is involved?

The region here I am located at had only 1 president for the soccer league here, which was the connection for Cal South Soccer Association. There is a soccer club that is about to be destroyed because of one president that has not taking the time or responsibility of registering the soccer club that is currently formed right now and we are in danger of losing the club because of him, after 2.5 years of soccer in my town or city, the club is just now growing into 5 teams of girls and boys and are prospering as soccer is starting to become increasingly very very popular. He was on the up and up and timely when it came to getting things done and squared away until now. We are looking to merge with another club that is about 100 miles away but there are no promises. If the soccer club here is not able to merge with this club (apparently they need at least 4 votes) then soccer here is done for. We need a president. I am thinking of taking on that task but what all is involved? I am hoping that someone who reads this may give me a little insight or info on this. What would i be up against? What risks do I have? I really hate to see all these dedicated players, mostly girls, along with my little girl, have their ambitions as soccer players dashed to pieces because of one persons irresponsibility. I can understand how much of a weight it can be from my stand point.

Sims 3 Registration Code help?

Hello. I would like to register my game on the Sims 3 community site and as I do this it says I need a 'Serial Code'?? I do not know whether this is the registration code used for the game installation but that would be of no help anyway as I do not have the manual where I believe it is located. Could somebody help me by telling me where I could find the serial code on my computer? I found a very useful answer for this just recently but that must have been for an XP computer and it said 'RUN' which the Vista doesn't have. Also I think the layout must have been different as when I go into the sections it is talking about I cannot find the tabs. Please help :(

Cichlids in a 10 gallon?

Would 2-3 of the dwarf shell dwelling cichlids be okay for their entire life in a 10 G tank? They would b the only species in the tank.

What does HB.= 10.7 ug/dl means?

a few years ago i went to one of those health clinics and they told me that i need to go to the doctor right away wich i dint'd do because of lack of money but lately i been feeling so tired i even think that i fainted once just for a little lapse of time thank you

MBA without work experience?

Hi.nwdys mba is playing very imp role but without work exp no company is recruiting thre r few companies which they will recruit nd give salary less but u will get exp n on the basis of tat exp u can join good company n get more salary

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What dragon cards should I add + Deck recipe?

luster dragon another flute of sd armed dragon lv8 another blue eyes a red eyes a red eyes black chick

Electric Field Question?

Four point charges each have a value of 3 C and are all located at the corners of an square of side 1 m (one charge per corner). Find the electric field at the center of the square.

How do i delete Csrss.exe?

I ran a malwarebyte's anit-malware scan and i showed csrss.exe as a virus. i know that your if you delete it, your computer will get the blue screen of death. However, in the processes, there are two csrss.exe. The first one is located in system32 and the other is in the Appdata/local/temp folder. i tried to delete it but it would just reappear again. Does anyone know a way to delete this virus?

Dating is irrational, so why do teenagers do it?

because teenagers feel like they are inlove and sometimes relationshipps are irrational but once you find someone right for you nothing will ever compare to that feeling

The dead truth about aquarius?

Aqua is amazing and sweet if you let them be! Just enjoy the show, dont judge, control or condemn and they will follow you anywhere!

Is it possible that Jesus was black?

He was probably tan skinned. Of course it doesn't really matter. It's what Jesus did and said is what we should focus on.

SETI: Is contact at all likely?

Probably, the most curious organism on the planet is the human race. That is what makes us also the most successful. As long as there are questions to be answered, Mankind will go on asking them. Yes, the odds against a meaningful conversation with an alien civilization is vanishingly small, but that is no reason not to try. The implications just of knowing we are NOT alone in the Universe would filter into every corner of our lives, and just knowing we have neighbors would make the Galaxy less lonely.

Details of UG courses in Bangalore?

i have just finished my 10+2 from NPS-RNR. i did PCMC and like math and computer science. WIll ECE be a good option or should i go for CSE? Or any other? Plus which college in Bangalore?



To the Atheists who were "Christian" before you became Atheist, what did you say to God when you left?

To answer that question logically, they probably wouldn't say anything as they don't believe, I find it interesting how they make fun of the FACT that they were never Christians to begin with thinking that is a Valid defense, Baloney, Even after years in Seminary and all that and even after 30 years I have heard of some who left the faith, This is Because They had religion, but never a salvation experience with Jesus, a Person can go to church all his or her life, and never be saved, They may truly be sincere about it, But they are sincerely wrong, They simply traded 1 religion for another the religion of atheism and yes it is a religion, just google 1st church of atheism and see how many hits you get, It is obvious it is religion because here they are in The Religion and Spirituality section proselytizing their religion, making lame excuse about Ohh we are just trying to educate you or Ohh we are just trying to enlighten you" Bull, a person who had any sense would realize that We Christians take their so-called education and ridiculous enlightenment and slap it back in their faces, but alas, they don't have that kind of sense, they are too blinded by their own brainwashing to see past anything but the fabrications they have made for themselves.