Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ug parent help?? im suddenly not alowed to go to sleepovers...?

so ive been able to go to sleepovers all my life, it think they're fun, you get to spend lots of time with your friends! suddenly my parents decided me and my sisters are not alowed to go to sleepovers anymore. no exceptions. i was like, WHAT? and yah, i asked why and the only reason i got was becuse "with all those cellphones, who knows what you could be doing?" and so a asked if she had any indications that we were doing that sort of stuff with our freinds and she said no. and we havent! we have like a sort of set of rules where you cant use your cell phones. she also said we're not supervised. but she lets me go to like parks and stuff with friends, not superviesed there! all my freinds birthday parties are sleepovers and i really like going and want to go. can you think of any way she might let me??

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