Sunday, August 7, 2011

Will they look for you if you leave to another state with a felony charge?

I currently have 2 charges of Grand Larceny and Burglary of dwelling. I got bonded out on $30,000 and i currently don't have a trial date yet. But i get a bad feeling that i'm going to have to do some time. I have a place in Hawaii that i can move too also. Right now I'm in Mississippi. My question is if i just leave and go to Hawaii without showing up to any court dates will they come all the way to Hawaii to look for me? And if they don't and say i get pulled over in Hawaii and they arrest me for not showing up to court in MS will the state of MS actually spend the money to extradite me all the way back to MS from Hawaii? Or do you think they'll just say screw it and not bother wasting the money. I kinda want to believe that they won't extradite me because I have an uncle who had gotten pulled over here in MS and they saw he had a warrant for him in CA. But CA didn't feel like spending the money to extradite him so they ended up letting him go after 2 weeks of being in jail. He told me that the state by law has only 14 or so days to come and extradite you or else the state thats holding you has to let you go because they don't have a reason to keep you unless you have warrants in their state. Don't worry i'm not a hardened criminal its just that i made a stupid mistake with some friends and now i'm paying for it. And i don't need to hear any criticism either i just want to know will the state of MS come and get me if i flee to Hawaii thats it.

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