Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To the Atheists who were "Christian" before you became Atheist, what did you say to God when you left?

To answer that question logically, they probably wouldn't say anything as they don't believe, I find it interesting how they make fun of the FACT that they were never Christians to begin with thinking that is a Valid defense, Baloney, Even after years in Seminary and all that and even after 30 years I have heard of some who left the faith, This is Because They had religion, but never a salvation experience with Jesus, a Person can go to church all his or her life, and never be saved, They may truly be sincere about it, But they are sincerely wrong, They simply traded 1 religion for another the religion of atheism and yes it is a religion, just google 1st church of atheism and see how many hits you get, It is obvious it is religion because here they are in The Religion and Spirituality section proselytizing their religion, making lame excuse about Ohh we are just trying to educate you or Ohh we are just trying to enlighten you" Bull, a person who had any sense would realize that We Christians take their so-called education and ridiculous enlightenment and slap it back in their faces, but alas, they don't have that kind of sense, they are too blinded by their own brainwashing to see past anything but the fabrications they have made for themselves.

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