Friday, August 12, 2011

How can i get over my dad's death?

Okya, i know i well never get over my dad's death but its gotta get easier rite? but how? Somehow he got thru losing his mom, he would talk about her alot i wish i woulda asked him how but i didnt think i would lose him till i was like 50 i never thought he could die, he was so strong he was ran over twice and feel outta a tree 3 stories i think. But than he was cuttin down a tree may 23 2011 (this year duh) and got electrocuted. I never got to say goodbye, by the time i got there he was purple and cold... i know i shouldnt even be like this, my sister and lil brother saw it all happen i donno i jus dnt feel as strong as them. I think about my dad every single day several times a day. i know how ppl always say "it was jus his time sweetie" i dont like when ppl say that cuz it wasnt my dad's time to go. he was only 46. im only 16 why wld god take him away from us. sorry wondering. i dont tell ppl all the stuff that i think so i jus wanna vent and find away to get over this. I think about him than get sad than super mad that god did this. I like to dream about him. i miss him i remember when i saw that someone else dad past away about a year ago jus made me think; wow i cldnt live if my dad died. My dad told me he cld get hit by a train and still live a week before he died and i know thats stupid to even dwell on but its hard not to.I listen to all his favorite songs. I wish i was crazii enough to see him like his ghost or something like in the movies, but no:/. i wish i could jus have another hug. Where is haven where is my dad how is this real. Sorry to much talkin ima girl so i talk alot sorry. But anyway.

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